Monday, September 2, 2013

Hardest Game Play Walkthrough

Hardest Game Play is a puzzle solving Android Game (at the time of writing, only available in the Google Play Store). Below is the Game Walkthrough that could be useful if you are getting stuck at a certain stage and being unable to reach a higher grade. The home page shows 5 achievement grades (ie: Alien, Genius, Greenhorn, Monkey, Supermonkey). If you have attained any, you will get the batch.

Achievement GradeRequirement

Hardest Game Play Walkthough stages:
StageDescription*Maximum Touch
1Touch the big Play button1
2Touch each box until it forms a word of "PLAY"9
3Slide the arrow button to the right2
4Create 3 BINGOs (best with 2 diagonals)13
5Pop the growing bloons ASAP20
6Use the glass to detect the black Play Button3
7Touch the box until it emits a Play Button21
8Touch the box until it emits 8 stars, and light them up17
9Touch the stars sequentially from left to right6
10Whack(touch) the play button 3 times to make it fully fade-in4
11Put the play buttons in the filter4
12Place the play button in the Black circle, and darken it with the magic10
13Touch the big duck, and then the smallest dark3
14Drag out the shortest rope2
15Drag the bottom 3 boxes to the bin, then unlock with 3 keys7
16Start the green button, and stop it when the moving color hits the first box3
17Touch the sticks from the top to the bottom, sequentially9
18Loosen the screws by holding the touch5
19Touch the play button which is in the correct transformation1
20Touch any place to shoot, and shoot the enemy accurately for 3 times4
21Time 23:30 (11.30pm, hinted by the moon and the star)5
22Touch the image sequentially from A to Z (Amazon, Apple, Bing, Blogspot, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Skype, Twitter, Wordpress, Yahoo, Youtube)13
23Release all the bloons, and pop them all19
24Remember the box sequence from 1-6 before the boxes fade out, and touch them accordingly7
25Rock Scissor Paper versus mode. Touch the RSP at the bottom which defeats the one displayed above. Beware of the dynamically changing when it goes on.13
*Maximum touch: The threshold of getting the best result, beyond which it is likely to drop your grade.

Overall, the total of the Maximum touch throughout the 25 stages are 191. But as long as you could make it lesser than 200, you are probably having an extraordinarily non-human capability.

  •  In some stages, it is important to wait until the images completely 'fade-out' before continuing to touch.
  • The reset button which appears in some stages would only increases your touch count, instead of really restarting the current stage. So you have to avoid it :p

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